For schools wanting to use the book for a school-wide read, here’s how to go All In!™ with The Bletchley Riddle.
All In! Guidelines
- All participants must have completed the book ahead of time. Students can read the book independently or teachers can use it as a read-aloud experience.
- Publicize the culminating event to incentivize student participation.
- Celebrate participants by posting their names as they complete the book.
- Organize participants into Huts (teams.)
- For best results, each team should contain at least six players (and can have as many as twenty.) Random team assignments are best. Since the students already have the common experience of reading the same book, this is the perfect opportunity to mix ‘em up!
- Scale for size. If you are doing this with one class (20-30 participants) we recommend putting them in two or four “Huts.” You want enough players on the team for collaboration and chaos and you want them to face off in a competitive setting.
- The five station rotation idea works best with a large group (100+ participants.) If you have a smaller group, you can run one station at a time. Do what is best for you! The goals are to celebrate the book and have fun.
- Reserve the gym or other large space for the Bletchley Bash. Creative students can prepare the setting with propaganda posters and vintage ads.
- Divide the gym into five stations. One station (Lizzie’s Burlap Sack) needs to run the width of the space. The remaining four stations can be smaller.
- Each station will have two teams competing at a time. Rotate all teams through all stations.
- Embrace the chaos. It’s going to be loud and overwhelming. And something kids will remember for years.
- Allot points accordingly. The team with the highest score wins!
Stations / Challenges
Lizzie's Burlap Sack
- 1 “sack race” sack per team
- 1 of each item per team:
- Diary
- Sandwich
- Scarf
- Notebook.
1. Set up a traditional sack race, from one end of a space to another.
2. Children hop from Bletchley Park (starting point) to the Shoulder of Mutton Inn (approximately 25 yards from the starting point). They put PJs in their sack, and hop back. They give the sack to the next person in line and that person retrieves the diary. Repeat until all artifacts are retrieved.
3. For an added level of difficulty, assign members of other huts to play the role of Fleetwood. Fleetwood should wear oversized work boots and a blind fold. He enters the racer perpendicular to the hoppers. The hoppers must avoid the Fleetwoods. If a Fleetwoods tag a hopper, that team is out. No points!
The fastest team to finish gets an extra 5 points. Each team earns 1 point per item.
The Hedge Maze
- Painter's Tape
- Toilet Paper Tube with multiple pieces of string attached.
Use painters tape to outline tracks 6-12” inches wide. The track should include right angle turns. Stand the toilet paper tube up on one end. Team members hold one end of the string. Their task is to guide their team’s tube through the track.
*Players may only touch the string.
*The tube must stay in contact with the ground.
*If the tube crosses the painters tape, the team must start over.
First team to cross gets double points. All teams to cross within the allowed time earn 5 points.
Cracking Emoji Enigma
The Ambassador's Party
Looking for Duck Eggs
- Plastic Easter eggs
- Plastic ducks
- Kiddie pool
- One question & answer set per duck/egg set.
We recommend the answers are short (names of people, places, and events from the book.)
Set the pool in the middle of a space with the plastic ducks inside. (Water optional but highly recommended.)
Create a large perimeter around the pool using the eggs.
Students should sit outside the perimeter in quiet lines. Students aren’t allowed to speak and must tiptoe to the pond. (Shhhhh…don’t scare the ducks!)
Emoji Code Sheet for Cracking Emoji Enigma Challenge
Emoji Code Answer Key